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Friday, September 24, 2010

Foundation Portfolio Review for Entry into the Fine Art Concentration Areas – General Information

1. Who is required to go through the review?

Art Majors who entered MSU in Fall 2009 or later are required to participate in the Foundation Portfolio Review for entry into a fine art concentration area.
2. What is the review?
The review is a faculty evaluation of student work from a minimum of 18 credit hours completed in the following courses: Drawing I, Drawing II, Design I, Design II, 3-D Design, and Introduction to Computing for Art and possibly additional art courses (check with the Concentration Coordinator for your area of interest for specific requirements for that Fine Art area. Required courses are also listed on each of the Fine Art Concentration area application forms, available in the Department of Art office). A grade of “C” or better must be achieved in each of these courses before students are allowed to pass the review.
3. When will the reviews take place?
For students interested in the Fine Art concentrations (Ceramics, Drawing, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, or Sculpture), the Foundation Portfolio Review for each concentration will take place at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters, on the third Friday of classes each semester.

Spring 2011 – Portfolios and Application Forms Due in the main Department of Art Office by 3pm, Friday, January 21, 2011. Check with 3D area Coordinators for submission locations for 3D art works.
4. What do I need to do in order to participate in the review?
A. As soon as possible, contact the Coordinator for the Fine Art Concentration Area you are interested in to get information on the concentration area requirements for the review and to get a Foundation Review Application Form.
B. Fill out a Foundation Portfolio Review Application Form for the specific area in which you are interested in. Applications are available in the Department of Art office or from Concentration Coordinators.
C. Place the required 2D art works in a portfolio. Check directly with 3D area Coordinators for submission requirements for 3D art works and for submission locations for 3D art works.
D. Submit completed application forms and portfolios of area-specific required art works by 3pm, on the review application due date, to the Department of Art Office. 3D area submission locations may differ; students must arrange for 3D submissions with specific area coordinators before the due date.
5. What happens after the work is submitted?
Professors in the concentration area of submission will review student applications and the required portfolio art works. The Foundation Portfolio Review will result in an “accept” or “deny” into the selected concentration. The student who is accepted (by faculty evaluation) into a Fine Arts concentration may begin the concentration sequence of courses. A student who is denied may remain in the art program and resubmit a portfolio in the next Review. Students cannot pursue a Fine Art concentration in which they have been denied twice. They will have to choose another concentration to pursue a B.F.A. in Art at Mississippi State.
6. When will students be notified after the work is submitted?
Portfolio submissions will be reviewed the week following the due date. Students applying for entry will be informed of their acceptance or denial two weeks from the application/portfolio due date. Concentration Coordinators will be responsible for getting word to the applicants.
7. How and when will my art work be returned to me?
Art work will be returned after the review, after students have been notified of their acceptance or denial. Concentration Coordinators will return portfolio submissions during their scheduled office hours.

Contact the Fine Art Concentration Coordinator for your area of interest to get more information on the areas specific application procedures and portfolio requirements for Foundation Portfolio Reviews. Application forms for Foundation Portfolio Reviews are available in the Department of Art Office or from Concentration Area Coordinators.

Fine Art Concentration Areas and Area Coordinators:

Ceramics - Professor Robert Long,  325-3677,  rlong@caad.msstate.edu
Drawing - Associate Professor Soon Ee Ngoh,  325-3055,  sngoh@caad.msstate.edu
Painting - Professor Jeffrey Haupt, 325-3726,  jhaupt@caad.msstate.edu
Photography- Professor Marita Gootee,  325-3039,  mgootee@caad.msstate.edu
Printmaking - Professor Linda Seckinger,  325-3023,  lseckinger@caad.msstate.edu
Sculpture - Assistant Professor Critz Campbell, 325-3727,  ccampbell@caad.msstate.edu